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"Solar energy is the most democratic way of energy production as it empowers people to produce the energy they use."
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The Project

(please click here to view information on the Project partners)


The European Solar Days initiative aims at raising public awareness for intelligent energy solutions, especially for Solar Thermal heating and cooling and for Photovoltaic electricity production.


As a result of the previous IEE-funded project “European Solar Day” (EIE/07/170/S12.466794), this initiative is already one of the largest awareness raising campaigns in the area of renewable energy in Europe. From 15 to 22 May 2010, over 500 000 European citizens participated in celebrations and events endorsed by the European Solar Days. In the long term, this annual campaign has the potential to mobilize in almost every Member State a broad network of partners promoting in a very concrete way (open door events, educational activities, showcasing, events and festivals etc.) the use of renewable energies.  


Additionally, the European Solar Days have also proven to be an extremely cost-effective form of campaigning. In fact, hundreds of events were organised in a very short time through the social marketing approach and the involvement of relevant associations and networks at national and local level. 


Building on the existing network and experience, this project  foresees the extension of the European Solar Days to at least 21 countries in 2013 (compared with 15 countries in 2009).


To reach the European target of 20% of the total energy demand covered by renewable in 2020, it is crucial to inform citizens on climate change and on the potential offered by solar technologies.  Even though information on climate change is widespread in some countries, there is still an important need to promote solar energy  in support of the solar market development.




Theresa Doetsch
Communications & Events Officer    

Place du Champ de Mars 2
1050 Brussels

Tel.:  + 32 2 318 40 60

Benjamin Fontaine
Senior Communications Advisor

Rue d'Arlon 69-71
1040 Brussels

Tel.:  + 32 2 709.55.20