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"Solar energy is the most democratic way of energy production as it empowers people to produce the energy they use."
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2015 Campaign: 1 - 15 May




Press releases

Nijmegen haalt de zon in huis

Utrecht, 10.05.2008. Op 17 mei organiseert Nijmegen diverse activiteiten in het kader van de European Solar Days. Dit awareness-programma is een Europees initiatief waarmee de zonne-energiesector het gebruik van de zon wil promoten als een belangrijke energiebron. Zonne-energie is een doeltreffende en voor iedereen toegankelijke manier om zelf bij te dragen aan een beter milieu. De activiteiten in Nijmegen variëren van een prijsvraag voor basisscholen en voortgezet onderwijs tot een informatiemarkt voor volwassenen over zonne-energie.


1st European Solar Days to be celebrated on 16 and 17 May

Brussels, 10/04/2008: only 35 days to go until the first European Solar Days will be celebrated on May 16-17 with more than 4000 events in over 10 European countries.


Germany celebrates the European Solar Day within the campaign WEEK OF THE SUN

Berlin, 28th January, 2008 - The week from the 16th to the 25th May, 2008 stands completely under the sign of solar energy in Germany, with more than 3,000 solar events taking place in cities and regions around Germany as a part of the WEEK OF THE SUN. The action week starts on the 16th and 17th May as a part of the European Solar Days which are celebrated for the first time in more than ten European countries. The WEEK OF THE SUN is organized by the German Solar Industry Association (BSW-solar) and is supported by the German craft associations, the alliance of German cities and municipalities, environmental and climate organizations as well as the German Federal Ministry of Environment. The organizer, BSW-Solar supplies solar newspapers, exhibition posters and advertising material on solar thermal energy and photovoltaics to all interested actors who organize solar events in their municipality in the scope of the WEEK OF THE SUN free of charge.